** Michael Fikaris – Checking In **

Residency with expo, drink & draw, book signing and talks!


Australian artist Michael Fikaris resides in the Bries Space from 15 July until 1 August.

During the weekend of 25-28 July, Michael Fikaris shows all the new works on paper made during the residency so far and  presents his most recent book: ‘Checking Points’. He talks about his work, signs his books, hosts a drink & draw and will present you an insight in the Australasian Comics Scene. Welcome!

Thu 25.07 –  grand opening!   (19-23h)
Fri  26.07 –  drink & draw   (14-18h + 19-23h)
Sat  27.07 –  artist talk    (16-17h)
Sun 28.07 – presentation ‘Australasian Comics Scene’   (16-17h)

The expo is open on Thursday 19-23h, Friday 14-18h and 19-23h, Saturday and Sunday 14-18h.
Book signing during the whole weekend.


Michael Fikaris works at an interdisciplinary practice that includes drawing, comics, printmaking, artist books, paintings, installations and murals.

Spaces between the natural and the manufactured inform many of the motifs seen in Fikaris’ artwork. Whether figurative or abstract, themes of persistence, purpose and identity run throughout his prolific and confident output.

During his residency Michael Fikaris focuses on two current bodies of work: ‘With Desk’ and ‘With Book’.
“‘With Desk’ is a repeated drawing of the work space. As I would in any studio, I have spent a lot of my time at the desk in the Bries Space. The drawings are a portal in my spiritual journey. The lines are the automatic reactions made sitting with my surroundings. As I draw, in a relaxed state of consciousness, I’m looking at shapes, shadows and colours more than te page. This process was used in the making of many images you will also find in ‘Check Points’, the comic art book being launched at this show.
‘With Book’ is a display of over 100 drawings made in an even more relaxed state with explorations of refined shapes and compositions, generally depicting abstract figures holding books. These line drawings are part of an ongoing study.”

Fikaris has exhibited around the world and has artwork held in numerous private collections along with the National Gallery of Victoria (Living Artists Collection), State Library of Victoria (Artists’ Books Collection) and National Gallery of Australia (Book Arts Collection).

Alongside his oeuvre, Fikaris is also an award winning editor, publisher and community arts practitioner, who founded Silent Army Projects.



